
Making money is an inside job.

What we think and believe about money will determine how much money we have in our lives.
If you want to make more money or improve your relationship with money, you need to uncover your thoughts and beliefs about it first. 

Our thoughts create money

We generate ideas from the thoughts that we have, these ideas create value.

Our customers/clients or employers want that value, so they pay us in exchange for the value that we create. This is how our thoughts create money. 

I will use my own business as an example to illustrate how thoughts create money.

I’m a certified coach and I know exactly how to coach creatives and teach the mindset tools that will get them unstuck so they can grow their creative businesses. I could have done my coach training and not built a business, but I had the thought that these tools are of immense value to someone who wants to get unstuck, so I had the idea that I would build a business and offer my coaching expertise. Now my clients pay me in exchange for the value that I offer them. This is how thoughts create money. 

When it comes to making money it’s super helpful to know if we are in a scarcity or abundance mindset

Abundance is our natural state of being, but sometimes we have thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of us accessing that abundance and before we know it we have shifted into a scarcity mindset. For example, we may have beliefs which we learned from our parents, such as ‘you have to work really hard to earn money’ or ‘money doesn't grow on trees’. 

It's often subtle things that we hear on repeat then we take them as fact and they are running on repeat in our minds without us even noticing so this is an example of how beliefs can shift us away from our natural state of abundance. Often we think a belief is fact, but a belief is just a thought that we have practiced many times. 

So if you're not sure which you are? Scarcity is fear based, when we are in a scarcity mindset the brain is heavily geared towards avoiding loss rather than creating gain. We believe there’s not enough of anything time, money, opportunities, basically we will feel rushed and like everything is limited

Whereas an abundance mindset is where we believe there is enough of everything to go around and that everything is happening FOR us, we are open to receiving, to trying new things, we are engaged with our results but not attached to the result. 

What do you currently believe about money? 

When I first started getting coached I was very much in a scarcity mindset. Here are the beliefs that i used to hold:

“Money is scarce, you have to work hard to earn it, its for other people, money is hard”

It is very hard to produce more money when you are holding beliefs like this I ended up with less money than i could have had because from my thought ‘money is hard’ I was filled with so much self doubt, so I didn't charge what I really wanted to charge my clients, because I didn’t believe I would get the commission if I did… because I was believing that money is hard.

Write it all down

I invite you to write down all of your money beliefs, get it all down onto paper, don't edit yourself or judge. This will help you to build an awareness around what you’re thinking, as soon as we build an awareness of something we can decide if we want to change our thinking around it or not. This will help you to see what your thoughts and beliefs are creating for you, the next step is to explore it.

Question some of your beliefs, poke holes in them, question why you're thinking it, and if it's even true, often we have a belief that has gone unquestioned for years so we have never actually challenged the belief before, because we have always thought it is fact. You might find some of these beliefs dissipate quite quickly, and others will require a bit more work 

Imagine how it would feel if you believed:

Money us abundant
I can make money easily 
Money is fun 
I enjoy making money

It might feel a bit of a leap to believe ‘money is easy’ so you could start with ‘It is possible I could make enough money’ practise believing that thought, imagine what it would feel like.

This just creates a little wiggle room so your brain starts looking at other possibilities. 

Your brain is like google. Whatever you input your brain will bring back all the evidence to prove the thought true. 

Our most important resource is our mind, when we understand our mind better we can create more value which results in more money.

If you would love to up-level your money mindset, I can help you…
Book your free 45 minute mini session here



