Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Leverage your passion

The key to building a business or brand that has longevity and sustainable success, is to build a business that celebrates your magic, leverages your passion and plays to your strengths.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

The Compound Effect

We are going to delve into the concept of the compound effect and the magical interplay between your thoughts and actions and the universe. When it comes to growing a creative business, the magic lies in the little things, it's a bit like sculpting.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Create your own success

Multiple clients in the last couple of months have uncovered the belief that they need to wait to be discovered. I say HELL TO THE NO, you do not need to wait. 

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Slow It Down

It sounds logical that doing more = more, but you’re likely to end up with more of what you don't want, because the actions you’re taking are coming from fear and you are out of alignment. 

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


I used to identify as a perfectionist. I spent years only sharing what I deemed to be the ‘perfect’ parts of my creative endeavours.

What I didn't realise, was that perfectionism is an excuse and it was keeping me stuck.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

People Pleasing

When you make changes in your life it is likely that (albeit usually well meaning) someone will have an opinion about the decision you are making. If you’re not careful you can end up ingesting other people's thoughts and ideas about how you should be living and you start making decisions based on someone else's wants and values. 

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Get Unstuck

Doing these two things in your business will move the needle: 1)Let go of forcing, worrying and trying to control everything. 2)Start taking care of your mind, being intentional, taking action & trust in the process.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Value Creates Money

Money does not come from time and effort, it comes from value creation. I regularly put lots of value out into the world, I write a blog and write a newsletter and film behind the scenes, teach concepts etc and I give all that away for FREE.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


When it comes to building a joyful creative business, I believe that magic happens at the intersection between spirituality and strategy. The problem is a lot of us stay in our heads and forget about the bit where we take action.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Challenging Seasons

Perhaps you're navigating some challenging personal circumstances and unsure how to show up in your business during this season. It is okay if you have a day, week, month, year where you don’t feel like going at it 120% and smashing your goals.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


Getting clear on the kind of clients and brands you really want to work with can feel scary. Your brain will tell you that getting specific isn’t a good idea because you will appeal to less people and this will reduce your chances of success.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


That magic ingredient is persistence. A lack of persistence is what keeps most people from accomplishing their goals. Persistence is the difference between success and failure. Learn my 6 steps for cultivating the habit of persistence

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


t's easy to get stuck in a loop of procrastinating and instant gratification. We have lovely instagram, online shopping, Whatsapp and tons of things at our fingertips that can distract us, give us a quick dopamine hit and make us feel better (momentarily).

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Sell your Art

I have coached a lot of creatives and I’ve noticed there is a fundamental thing that a lot of people are missing in their businesses, they aren’t giving people the opportunity to work with them. Are you letting people know that they can buy your art or service?

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


“I love you, I am listening”

This was an affirmation from a meditation I was listening to a while ago.. I realised at that moment that everything I needed was already within me, but I had been diligently looking outside of myself for love, guidance and approval.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


We cannot be creative when we are chronically stressed. 

I have built a whole career on my playful sensibilities. But I have had periods in my creative career where I have felt unable to create and I have felt so bloody far from playful, it's unreal.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Deep Knowing

I believe we all have a deep knowing of what we are called to do in life. But, we bury it, until we can’t ignore it anymore. We spend so much time trying to control ourselves and we censor our dreams and desires

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


Things are not broken they are being transformed. Life is about experiencing all of the emotions, joy, pain, excitement, fear and everything in between. Sometimes things just really suck and sometimes everything in life is bloody great, and that is all part of the Yin and Yang of life.

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance


Do you ever find that you come up with your best ideas when you’re in the shower?
This is because you are giving your brain some space, there's no phone in the shower, there's no laptop, no kindle, no book

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Jessica Dance Jessica Dance

Write a new story

Is your mind focused on the past or the future? When we define ourselves by our past it keeps us in the past, and limits our future too, but what if you could rewrite the story of your past so you can focus on creating a brand new future?

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