Sell your Art

I have coached a lot of creatives and I’ve noticed there is a fundamental thing that a lot of people are missing in their businesses, they aren’t giving people the opportunity to work with them.

Are you letting people know that they can buy your art or service?

If you walked past a shop and the lights were off and the door was closed, would you bother crossing the street to see if the shop is open? I probably wouldn’t.

However, if the door is open, there’s an open sign, the lights are on and I can see human beings inside, I can hear some music. I am WAYYYY more likely to cross the road and go in.

Give people the opportunity to see your work, and invite them in.

I used to skip this part too. I used to create my art and maybe put it on my website or instagram in a hope that someone would find it.
Sure, they might find it and if they do, that’s great.

Letting people know that your work is for sale is what will really move the needle.

You do not need to wait to be discovered, or wait for the opportunities to come to you. You get to create the opportunities, you steer the ship and decide who you want to work with and what you want your business to look like.

When you tell people that they can work with you and give them an opportunity to connect with you x5 a week, then you have just increased your chance of a sale by X5! When you do this zero times, you’re just relying on hope and discovery.

You might be cringing at the thought. But I promise you, when you discover the value you’re offering and refine your messaging, you will be excited to give people the opportunity to work with you, it wont feels forced or salesy. This is how we create more opportunities, connections and ultimately more commissions or sales.

When I work with my coaching clients I guide them through mindset work, this is building the foundations (which is essential for sustainable growth) then we look at the business model, we create an intentional strategy for growing your client base and your business, and this process includes telling people your work is for sale.

Selling does not need to feel gross, you are inviting people to connect with you and if it is a good fit, then AMAZING, and if its not a good fit, that is awesome information. We can review why it was a no, then if necessary make tweaks and really dial in on our marketing and messaging.

No’s can be just as valuable as the yes’s, if we are willing to keep tweaking and refining, figure out what worked, what didn’t and decide what we want to tweak, when we fine tune we get clarity, then we can reach the people that really want to work with us.
This isn’t about persuading and convincing its about connecting with people that resonate with you and your work.

Some questions to consider:

-Are you making work?
-Are you sharing work?
-Do you consistently show up and offer something of value?
-How many times a week are you telling people they can buy your art or service?
-Are you inviting people in?
-Are you telling people you have a website?
-Do you have an opt in on your website (e.g sign up to my newsletter)?
-Is it easy to contact you?
-Are you EXCITEDDDDD for people to discover your work because you know this is an awesome value exchange?!

If you love this and you’re ready to let go of outdated sales tactics and ready to start planting seeds of intentional growth into your business you can Book a Clarity Consultation with me. You just need to be curious and ready to take it to the next level!




