
“I love you, I am listening”

This was an affirmation from a meditation I was listening to a while ago. 

I said these words out loud with one hand on my chest and one hand on my stomach and those 6 words totally took me down.

I suddenly felt immense relief and I totally bawled my eyes out. Damn. 
I realised at that moment that everything I needed was already within me, but I had been diligently looking outside of myself for love, guidance and approval.

At this time I was also feeling lonely, I then realised that the loneliness was my highest self calling me to go and meet myself. These messages were all guiding me to look INWARD. 

By committing to a daily practice of meditation and self care I began to close the gap between myself and my heart. Being willing to sit with these realisations and feelings took me closer to my highest self, my truth and my real desires, rather than looking for things outside of myself to make me ‘feel better’

Your highest self has allll of the shit you need, love, wisdom, guidance, but for most of us, we got distracted from these truths and got caught up in the noise and resistance from our minds and started looking outside of ourselves. 

Your value and worth is not found through your romantic partner or through your achievements, it is found by meeting yourself.

When we are tapped into our own wants and needs we can experience authentic relationships. If we can create love for ourselves and meet our own needs first, then, when someone else gives us love, it just adds to our life, we no longer depend on it to make us ‘whole’. 

You are always the answer you are searching for. 

If you want to learn how to build a better relationship with yourself, I can help you.
Book you’re free mini session here


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