Get Unstuck

Doing these two things in your business will move the needle:

1) Let go of forcing, worrying and trying to control everything, 
2) Start taking care of your mind, being intentional, taking action and trusting in the process.

You will see that things begin to shift. 

If you feel like everything is stagnant and your growth has stalled, it can feel scary, but I want to reassure you that everyone has seasons like this.

Typically, when we are doubting everything, we also second guess everything, then we procrastinate by doing lots of research to confirm we are on the right track and then…we do nothing. I call this analysis paralysis.

I want to challenge you to just do one thing to create change today.
It could be tiny, that’s okay. Just choose something. 
‘Doing’ gives us information. We learn by doing, one step will inform the next and what you will find is that clarity follows action.

Sometimes when we try something and we think it is not working out for us, I believe that actually, it is working perfectly. Let me explain why….

The ‘unsuccessful’ attempts actually guide us to something even better, IF we are ready and willing to see and receive the lesson, it helps us to hone and refine and can even put us onto a new and more aligned road filled with new and exciting discoveries.

I often have no evidence to support an idea that I have had, but I decide to show up and do the work, knowing it may take a few iterations and I trust the universe is going to guide me and give me exactly what I need.
When you trust that everything is happening for you, you will likely start to accept  ‘what is’ and stop wrestling with reality (which is a big old waste of energy!) When you accept ‘what is’ you can decide what your next step is going to be rather than feeling stuck and like you are at the effect of your circumstances.

When it seems like everythigs going wrong, trust that when you look back you will see that actually the universe was reordering itself to give you more of what you want.

To attract what you want into your life there will be joy, discomfort, growth and change and this requires you to take responsibility, be intentional, show up, do the work and trust that the universe will meet you halfway, this is where the magic happens!

But before any of this it is important that you are managing your mind and understanding the power of your thoughts and beliefs. If you want to learn more about this and you are interested in 1 to 1 coaching you can book a clarity call here.


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