Value Creates Money

Money does not come from time and effort, it comes from value creation.

I regularly put lots of value out into the world, I write a blog and write a newsletter and film behind the scenes, teach concepts etc and I give all that away for FREE. Technically I do not directly get paid to do any of these things.

Within the work which I do charge money for, I give EVEN MORE value. I teach my clients the most valuable thing you can ever learn, how to manage your mind. 

I also teach my clients game changing concepts which change the way they live their lives,  and improve their businesses.

As a result my clients start creating and delivering more value in their own businesses, then their friends and family notice this and ask what the secret is, then my clients share the concepts they have learned about the power of your mindset… the value keeps on compounding!

Value Creation is not always linear - trust in the process

When it comes to creating value the process is not always linear, when I release my free work into the world I let it go, I don't sit there with my hand out waiting to get paid for every single thing that I do.

Instead I see all the free content I share, as adding to my value bank. It may not result in an immediate or direct ‘sale’ but I know and trust that when I put value out into the world it always comes back to me 10 fold. When we show up and create value consistently we also begin to reap the rewards of the compound effect. 

If you’re an artist or designer you might be wondering how I create more value? 

Take people on a journey, film behind the scenes, have the conversation with that person, teach them something, go the extra mile, send a newsletter sharing your projects, record the podcast, share your latest commissions - this brings people JOY and when it is coming from a place of authenticity it creates meaningful connection. (you do not need to do all of these things i’m just giving examples here!) do what feels fun to you. 

And when it comes to your paid work, are you over delivering? Over delivering is so much fun and it feels GREAT, seeing someone delight in a thoughtful gesture or a nice touch, goes a long way, this does not need to be a big, expensive gesture. Ask yourself what would my customer value? 

Your approach to creating money

If you are approaching creating money from a place of scarcity you will be focused on getting  paid for everything you do, you will end up ticking the boxes, you won't feel very motivated and typically you will end up earning roughly the same amount each month, which means nothing changes and you feel stuck and frustrated. Working like this will limit what you can earn and will also exhaust you. when you are in a scarcity mindset you are not open to receiving.

When you focus on the pennies you miss out on the pounds.

When you shift into an abundant mindset you will enjoy creating and sharing value and you will be open to receiving all the abundance that the universe has to offer, you open yourself up to opportunities and align with what excites you. 

If you allow yourself to break out of the time and effort money prison and instead have fun with creating value you will see that money can be easy. 

Time to clean up those money beliefs

BUT FIRST! To shift into an abundant mindset we need to clean up those money beliefs..

The amount of money we have is determined by our thinking, so it is really important to figure out what your current money thoughts and beliefs are. Most of us have a lot of conditioned thoughts about money which we have inherited from our parents/ friends/ culture. Firstly we need to recognise these thoughts as exactly that, thoughts. Not facts.

When you can see the thoughts for what they are (non factual, inherited stories), we can begin to let go and we can start building new beliefs that align with the amount of money we want to create. 

Below I have listed some journalling prompts for you: 

  • What do you believe about money 

  • What did you parents teach you about money?

  • Why do you have the amount of money that you have?

  • What are your thoughts about having more money?

  • What are your thoughts about wealthy people

  • Are you open to receiving more?

  • Are you afraid of money 

  • Why do you want to earn more money 

Really take your time and explore these beliefs, don’t rush this.

When you feel ready to create some new beliefs around money, start small and be patient, here is a link which teaches you my step by step process to creating new beliefs.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. If you would like to dive deeper book a free clarity call with me here


Get Unstuck

