
Give yourself space to (not) think.
Do you ever find that you come up with your best ideas when you’re in the shower? 

This is because you are giving your brain some space, there's no phone in the shower, there's no laptop, no kindle, no book (well I hope not anyway!)

When you remove neural stimuli it's like the birthplace for new ideas, new connections, you give your brain the space to connect the dots. There’s no distractions and no pressure and for many of us that is when the insight and ideas flow. 

We have got so used to always having our phone in our hand or laptop or tv, by our side, by busying ourselves our tolerance for boredom goes down. We are conditioning ourselves to become bored, quicker and we perpetuate the distraction cycle. We’ve got so used to being entertained and excited all of the time, which feels good temporarily but it denies us the balanced human experience. 

I had noticed myself doing this, A LOT, in a bid to break the habit I decided to start dedicating time to daily meditation. Meditation is a great way to give your brain a break.

I used to really resist meditation, but lately, something in me has shifted, and I would even go as far as to say look forward to meditating now. 

After a few weeks of daily meditations, I started experiencing moments of wisdom and insight, that insight and wisdom did not come from my mind, it came from beyond the mind.

Consciousness is where the gold is

When we meditate we watch ourselves think, we create space in our minds and this gives ourselves room to form new ideas, and this allows us to create with ease.

Meditation takes us beyond the ‘thinking’ mind, we can become the observer of our thoughts, then we can start to build an awareness of what we are thinking, we start to create a separation between ourselves and our thoughts. 

This activates our highest level of consciousness, and when we access this level of consciousness over time, you will come to realise there is so much intelligence outside of thought.

Isn't it funny that as creatives most of us fear the blank page, the empty space the most? But in actual fact when we create space from our thoughts I have come to realise that is exactly where the gold is. 

Meditation doesn’t always mean sitting in lotus pose for hours on end, there are lots of free videos you can watch about different forms of meditation and mindfulness which will help you to create some space in your mind. I really like to use headspace and Insight timer. (Not an ad- I just really like both)

Everything you already need is within you, create some space in your mind and see what happens.

If you want to learn more about creating space in your mind, I can help you! Book you’re free mini session here




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