
When it comes to building a joyful creative business, I believe that magic happens at the intersection between spirituality and strategy, this means connecting to our higher selves and leaning into what truly lights us up, we build the belief and visualise it, then create a plan and then commit to taking aligned action.

The problem is a lot of us stay in our heads and forget about the bit where we take action. You do not need to be perfect and have every step figured out. The figuring out happens when we actually take action, it happens when we experimenting and playing and when we allow ourselves to be messy.  

Commit to the first step and clarity will follow, this will lead you to where you need to be. 

5 steps to start taking action

1. Play 
Allow yourself to be a beginner, try things out, explore, be messy, perfection is not the goal here.
Experimentation and play allow you to learn and also gear your brain in the direction you want to be traveling. Let your learnings direct you, this creates movement and flow, you are no longer stagnant.

2. Learn
Through play you might have uncovered a skill gap. Regardless of budget we have so many options when it comes to educating ourselves, there's endless books, podcasts, blogs,videos, online courses, in person courses. Decide if there an area you want to improve your knowledge, start researching how you can fill the gap and implement what you learn.

3. Evaluate
Now it's time to test your idea or product. This is where we look at facts (not the drama that your brain might be offering you)

Try sharing your idea or product online, test responses, did people engage with it? Collect data, what worked and  what didn't?
You will need to be  patient here, you need to test something for long enough to get a clear picture.
An essential part of growth is being willing to make multiple attempts, and this means being willing to experience some discomfort. If the data is showing you that people aren’t connecting or responding to your idea, do not worry, this is part of the process. Ask yourself what you can learn from this and use this information for the next iteration.

4. Build the belief and create the vision
I want you to start living like your idea or product is already a success, imagine your dream is reality see what happens when you start embodying this new persona. Refer to my blueprint for belief here so you can learn how to start believing something new. 

With all this knowledge it's time to use what you have learned to launch the new product or start offering your new creative service. Commit to regular creation and commit to regularly letting people know your idea or product is available to buy (you may want to check out my post about selling your art) and keep on refining and testing as you go!

If you’re interested in working 1 to 1 with me you can book your clarity call here, I can’t wait to meet you!


Value Creates Money


Challenging Seasons